ASE 10x Cluster Rules
We follow the official Studio Wildcard Code of Conduct for Ark: Survival Evolved.
Any breach of their rules or ours will result in a punishment.
(1) General Rules
1.1 English only in global.
1.2 Ensure you do not inflict any form of misconduct. Do not try and force dictatorship, blackmail others, create toxicity and ruin the game for other players in the community. This includes but is not limited to language which is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful, homophobic, encouragement of self-harm, sexually explicit, racially, ethnically or otherwise offensive. This is PvP, trash-talking is okay but if it gets out of hand the situation will be reviewed and dealt with accordingly.
1.3 You must always use legitimate character, tribe and dino name(s). It is forbidden to use any symbols not found in the English alphabet. "Human", "Survivor", "Admin", "Player", "123", "321", "OneTwoThree", "□□□" or anything similar is not allowed. You may not imitate other members or staff.
1.4 You must have the same tribe name, members & tribe owner across all maps in the cluster. Rotating members, account sharing or utilising alt accounts is strictly forbidden. For any changes to a tribe, you must update your tribe on all maps within 3-hours.
1.5 Insiding is completely forbidden, including but not limited to: leaving a tribe and taking items with you without the tribe leader's consent, disabling defences to allow entry to another tribe or causing destruction from within the base prior or after leaving the tribe. If you wish to leave a tribe and take items with you then you must disclose it to your tribe leader first. If it is the leader that is leaving the tribe, only a fair portion can be taken. If you have left a tribe, you are NOT allowed to raid the tribe you left for 3 days.
1.6 If you have organised a trade, there is no scamming (ie. setting up trade and killing the person to take their offering, or not giving what was promised). Suggest having screenshot proof of agreement via messages.
1.7 Stacking dinos must be per the Code of Conduct (not inside another dino's model). You may stack dinos so that the sides of the body do not overlap, but the head and tail may overlap within another dino model.
1.8 Giga, Carcha stored within a cave where the entrance/passage is not large enough for them to fit through in/out in full, are not allowed to be stored as Neutral/Aggressive - only passive. Nor can the defender/raider use creatures to mesh bite (attack through the mesh/terrain to attack a player/dino/structure from the other side).
1.9 You cannot manipulate the leaderboard stats by farming kills, combat logging or anything deemed non-legitimate.
(2) Building Rules
2.1 All structures you place must be visible and able to be damaged via a legitimate method. No floating or invisible structures.
2.2 Turrets can be built out in the world when raiding, PvPing, PvEing or when teleporting to boss arenas via terminals. But must be taken down immediately after leaving the area and not left around in the world.
2.3 Do not block access, or build inside, on or near the following points of interest unless actively farming, utilising or PvP'ing; you must remove all structures/turrets when you leave the area.
- Obelisks & City Terminals
- Map Spawn Points
- Major resource areas (ie. OSD, Veins, Bee Caves, Element Farming areas... etc)
- Unique dino spawn locations (ie. magmasaur / rock drakes / griffins)
- In, On, or Under Lava
- Wyvern Scars, Rock Drake Nests & Magmasaur Nests
- Ragnarok Lava Golem & Ice Worm Queen caves
- Crystal Isles Bee Cave
- Surface on Aberration
- Portal Area Surface Entrance on Aberration (this means you can build in other entrances)
- Aberration Biome entrances on Valguero
- Genesis mission zones
- Genesis2 Lunar Zone & main tunnel/passage to lunar zone
- Teleport zones on Genesis & Fjordur - no turrets allowed
- Fjordur Brood, Megapithecus, Bee & Bear caves
- Fjordur Dragon Cave: No blocking entrances to cave or preventing access to dragon terminal (can build anywhere else within cave)
- Center Lava Volcano Cave
- 2 x Main passageways between biomes on Genesis2 leading into/out of space zone
2.4 You may not place structures on top of your or another's player model; making them completely concealed, immobilized or invulnerable is forbidden. This rule does not apply to dinos.
2.5 The use of unintended building mechanics raiding method utilizing foundations, pillars, ramps, walls, & ceilings etc to build structures into enemy foundation claim range bypassing turrets line of sight with the intent to destroy from close proximity or bypass defences. If you are placing structure(s) around your player's character model that prevents enemy Turrets from targeting you, and then you attempt to destroy enemy structures from within your build or bypass defences - You are breaking the rules. Clarification: This rule DOES NOT apply to platform saddle creatures or to rafts & motorboats.
2.6 If you can't walk or crouch into the spot, and/or have areas within the location that gives access under the map, it's not allowed. In addition, if the spot includes: Climbing Picks, Zipline, knocking out a character or anything similar to gain access INTO said spot, it is a banned spot and if you are found, you WILL be punished. For underwater locations, at a minimum, a Carbonemys must be able to fit through the entrances/tunnels.
2.7 No structure spamming landmass you are not using for your base or a raid. Base/Turret Tower spam is allowed in a 20-foundation radius. A turret tower must have at least 30 turrets to count as a turret tower for extending the spam radius. Following a raid, you must remove your spam or replace the tower. Spam is allowed to prevent nearby fobs, but this must be appropriate to the size/location of the base. EXCESSIVE SPAM will NOT be tolerated.
2.8 “Pocket” Plant X is strictly forbidden. Any tribes caught using Plant X without a Crop Plot will be heavily punished.
2.9 Beds/bags, taming traps, transmitters and teleporters can be placed in the open world. You may have turrets defending your TPs/Transmitters, but please ensure they are not restricting access to common areas, drop caves or resource-rich areas.
(3) PVP Rules
3.1 You are allowed to open-world "popcorn", which means mass dropping items from any inventories or containers into individual bags you have access to. The only form of popcorning that is forbidden is despawning of tribe items when being raided and facing imminent base destruction, essentially preventing the attackers from receiving any deserved loot. This includes such things, but not limited to, giving your tribe possessions to another tribe when being raided, picking up mass structures and allowing the bags to despawn in such a way that is not considered porting loot to another location.
3.2 Do not prison or cage offline players. If you cage an online player, a maximum cage timer of 60 minutes applies. (Rule does not apply if you are raiding, you can keep a player caged during the entire duration of the raid). You are not permitted to use tek forcefields or anything similar to trap players in a form of stasis.
3.3 Tribes are not permitted to "team" when it comes to PvP. This includes such things as: Two tribes against one or more tribes (8 v 4 etc), defending a tribe from another tribe’s attacks to provide mutual defences, coordinated attacks and/or counter-raiding. Whilst open-world PVP can sometimes include multiple tribes. If your tribe log is found to be overwhelmingly in favour of one tribe over another - this will be considered teaming.
3.4 The only form of teaming that is allowed, is PVE teaming for a boss fight. If you are PvE teaming with another tribe for a boss fight and a 3rd party tribe engages you in PvP, you are allowed to defend yourselves.
3.5 Do not excessively raid the same tribe. You need to actively engage against tribes evenly, and your tribe log proves this. If you raid the same tribe three or more times within one week (without retaliation), it will be considered griefing.
3.6 Only one raid is allowed to be started per 24-hrs per map . There are two exceptions to this rule:
- If a tribe you are raiding has another base on the same map, you are allowed to fob/attack the 2nd base provided no more then 60mins downtime passes between the raids.
- If a tribe raids you, you are allowed to retaliate immediately regardless of your cooldown on that map. This will now count as your one raid on that map.
3.7 A raid is considered over if there are 60 minutes of downtime at any point during the raid. Once the raid is over, you must remove your fob, and spam outside of render distance from the base.
3.8 If a tribe has a protection shield, at the base and surrounding area you are not to engage in PVP with that tribe, destroy structures, or kill dinos/players. Nor should the tribe with the shield engage in PVP with others in the area near the base, nor should they engage in raiding or destruction of enemy tribe structures in the open world.
3.9 If you are given a protection shield, your tribe is forbidden to raid any bases on all maps in the cluster whilst it is active. Open-world PVP is allowed only. If you wish to raid sooner than the timer ends, demolish your shield first.
3.10 Tribes are not allowed to "rotate" tribe members with players from other tribes to join in Raids/FOBs or Base Defence if they have no intention of staying in the tribe. Members added mid-raid must remain in the tribe for at least 3 days before being replaced. Refer to rule 1.4 for further info.
3.11 Counter-raiding is NOT allowed. You are not allowed to disrupt anyone's raids, there is no attacking a base that already has a fob on it. No attacking fobs, sniping players/tames at fobs. You must have a fob placed to benefit from this rule (at least 6 turrets within render range of the enemy base). You MUST have proof of your fob to report countering.
Process for informing of broken rules:
Sometimes screenshots are not enough to validate the rule broken. Video recordings are generally the best proof method.
Admins have access to view logs to validate concerns. If you suspect someone breaking the rules, please open a ticket in discord.
A base is the main location of a tribe consisting of a defended area containing structures, vaults, turrets, dinos, crafting stations & beds (excl. fob). A spawn box is not considered a base.
A spawn box is a smaller housing/cliff platform set up away from your main base location/s.
A raid is considered soaking bullets, destroying/damaging structures, and/or killing dinos at an enemy base location. This does not include a tribe’s teleporter in the open world unless it is a teleporter at a base location or a tribe’s spawn box.
Counter Raiding is interfering with a raid already in progress by attacking a tribe that is raiding another tribe at the raid location.
A fob is a temporary small defended spawn box set up within render distance of an enemy base for the purposes of establishing a raid against an enemy tribe to protect against counter-raiding. This includes beds, storage, spam, Transmitter or Teleporter, etc. and a minimum of 6 turrets (2 foundations and a bed does not count as a fob).
Downtime is a period in which minimal recorded actions are in the log to verify a raid. You need to be actively raiding as per the definition. Note: soaking does not record logs.
Rotating tribe members is removing tribe member/s (usually offline) and replacing them with new tribe member/s (usually online) to assist in a raid or defence. For this to be enforced, a tribe would have needed to remove an offline member during a raid/defence and invite a new tribe member to aid in raid or defence, and afterwards remove new tribe member to re-add the offline member shortly after.